There are a couple of different markers that indicate inflammation in the body.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
This is non-specific, which means that there is some chronic inflammation in the body, just what or where is an unknown. Basically the blood is shaken up and allowed to sit and it time that is measured as to how long the red blood cell sediment takes to settle. The longer it takes, the more inflammation there is. As this is not a specific measurement reasons can be varied from bacterial infections, to collagen or vascular disease, cancers and lymphoma.
CRP C-Reactive Protein
Good to find acute illness as it rises quickly 4-8 hours after any tissue damage. It becomes it’s highest at 24-72 hours and returns to normal after 2-3 days.
It depends on the result level as to interpret the results. It could be something like an upper respiratory infection, sinusitis, pneumonia, appendicitis or post operative sepsis.
While there are similarities, there are significant differences of ESR to CRP and CRP maybe low when ESR is raised in certain illness.
Basically you want both of these to be 0 because you don’t want any inflammation in the body.
Is your storage of Iron stores and should be at 100. It also is affected by inflammation and may be seen high in Iron rich tissues like the liver, Gut, spleen and lymph system.
Pathocize (exercise for your pathology)
Identify cause of inflammation and address illness
If a specific dis-ease is unknown and there is general inflammation it maybe dietary.
• If you do nothing else, stop eating gluten
• Remove all grains from your diet
• Reduce or cut out dairy
• Eat fresh vegetables daily
• Have fresh fruit – 1 or 2 pieces daily (make one a older variety apple)
• Consume good quality proteins and vary these during the day
• Make sure your bowels are open and you are ‘moving’ everyday
• Drink purified water and lots of it generally 35ml per kg of weight
• Breathe, get outdoors and take in some lovely fresh oxygen
• Exercise, walking, swimming, yoga, if you don’t move it, you lose it
• Stress reduction, taking time out for you, meditation
• Sleep, put in good sleep routine practices
• Supplement with anti-inflammatories like Tumeric, Fish Oil and use Probiotics
If you’d like to know more about this or other topics, you are welcome to join my free membership on face book. Thyroid, Metabolic, Hormone Harmony Hub.
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Inspiring Wellness