Beth Klenner Naturopath
Online Australia Wide

Your health complexity can be baffling,
motivating, and inspirational.
It is why I do what I do.
I am a Health investigator,
learner and problem solver
so you benefit
from my knowledge & expertise.
“When you consult with me I put my heart and soul into every consultation,
always delivering the best solutions that are known to me at the time
so you can feel like you again.
Beth Klenner Naturopath
She will listen to symptoms and ask lots of questions to get to the bottom of health issues.
She is very knowledgeable and keenly digs about for information when something tricky comes up.
Ironically, while studying Natural Medicine, I began a real healing journey of my own.
I would have loved a health mentor then, which is probably why I am so committed to help you now.
One day, out of the blue, I woke with a massively swollen knee. As there was no movement in the leg, I needed a cane to walk and it ended up taking a year to rehabilitate.
I was eventually diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, with the alarming prognosis of crippled hands, feet plus wheelchair confinement unless I took Immune suppressants drugs!
Ugh, not happy, and certainly I was not compliant in taking those drugs!
I suffered incredible pain as each knee took its turn of having a flare over the years and each time I conquered them without the drugs. That was, until the last time when both knees went together.
Excruciating pain, fear and depression for months I endured. Succumbing finally to the treatment of 6 months of Methotrexate, enough to get me walking and to get me out of the hell.
Then my focus was, is, and will always be, lifestyle, dietary choices and determination.
I am in remission.

I am fiercely determined and loyal, it must be the Leo in me and I have the mane to prove it.
That means I have your back and I take your health as seriously as I do my own.
If I did, you can.
Beth not only listened to all my symptoms and believed me, she also recognised the problem areas immediately, provided support and encouragement and assured me that she could help. And help she did!
I never want to feel the way I did when I first met Beth and thanks to Beth I never have to feel that way again.
Professional Bibliography
Beth Klenner Naturopath, graduated with an Advanced Diploma of Natural Medicine from The Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine (WA) in 2003. Then in 2004 with a Diploma of Herbal Medicine and Diploma of Homeopathy.
She is consistently upgrading her skills through workshops and seminars and generously shares her research and new methods with her clients.
Currently, Beth is undertaking her Post Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition at Deakin University.
Beth is certified in:
Metabolic Balance Pracitioner (2018)
Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.) Clinician (2019)
The Institute for Integrative & Pathology Practitioner (2019)
AutoImmune Paleo (AIP) Practitioner (2022)
Emotional Release Technique (2023)
SIBO Food Road Map Practitioner (2024)
Beth’s focus is on food as medicine and gut restoration.
She is a proud member of the Regulatory Association, the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Limited.
Prior to the study, she flew around Australia as a trolley dolly with Ansett Australia, demonstrating exits and clearing away trays. Mostly she was a Cabin Manager who voiced the live Safety Demo’s, got coffees for the tech crew, worked unsocial hours, and spent many, many weekends flying away for over 10 years.
Beth has two fab kids, and juggles the roles of mother and her soul calling of natural medicine practitioner from her residential clinic.
She hates the smell and taste of coffee (Not good for a Trolly Dolly) and has only ever used it as an enema ‘cause it seemed a good idea at the time and has since found out that her CYP1A2 Coffee gene is to blame!